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1 week til the big move...

It's quite a thing, leaving a city and a country all in one. Although I'll be back for family visits, I know that in a week from now one large chapter of my life will have ended, and another one will be kicking off. With tears and a journey, as Queen Victoria said in Shakespeare in Love (one of my favourite films). Although in my case I am travelling towards love (not away from it like in the film), to live in the same country as my hubby for the very first time. Ours is a miraculous transcontinental love story (although that's not what this blog is about), and so my journey means I will be starting a new life not only in another country, but as a married woman, with all the figuring out that that will require. Yikes!

Leaving inevitably means reflection, and it seems so crazy that I've spent that last 15 years calling Cape Town home. That in itself was a journey I never intended to make, when I moved here from Johannesburg, a naive 21 year old, uncertain of myself in almost every way. Now it is most certainly my home and my favourite place in South Africa, it is a hub of like-minded artsy folk and the place I feel seen and encouraged as an actor, voice artist and writer. I'm happy to say I found myself and my artistic voice here, in this beautiful place between the mountain and the sea.

So, let's see what the next chapter holds! I'm both excited and terrified, but with the days closing in, there's no turning back. Look out Melbourne: here I come!

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