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Tandem blogpost: Behind the Tree

Today's tandem blogpost caught me a little off guard, and I had no ideas until this morning. Then, remembering that Brett encouraged us to try something new and go out of our comfort zones at least once during the four weeks, I thought I'd give a little poetry a bash. Well, it's more like a ballad really, and I'm certainly no poet, but here it is anyway, with gorgeous art by Nyaka Hime. Enjoy.

Willow was a very shy and quiet girl

She barely made a sound

She’d only ever watch the kids at school

Playing catch or on the merry-go-round.

She longed for someone to say hi

Maybe ask her if she’d like to play

But they just went about their own business

And she was lonely every day.

They all thought that she was simple

Maybe she’d been dropped on her head

So they didn’t notice what she was hiding

Behind the tree in a secret flowerbed.

In neat little rows stood leaf-children

Like tiny scarecrows they’d been sewn

She’d made each one up as a likeness

Of the kids who had left her alone.

If anyone did something sweet

To another she’d always take heed

And shower their leaf-self with love

As a reward for their quiet good deed.

She’d punish the ones who were cruel

Or laughed when a kid got upset

She’d push them chin-deep in the soil

Until they were filled with regret.

Then one day a real person approached her

Out of pure curiosity

He didn’t know about her flowerbed

Or the leaf-kids behind the tree

He walked up to her and smiled gently

Then asked if she’d like to share lunch

So she chose to keep him in her pocket

Because he was the best of the bunch.

For more blogposts written to this topic, check out Ashley Visagie's blog and then click to the next one to keep going. There are seven of us writing together each week so please give as many of the posts your time as you can! Thanks for reading!

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