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A is for ...

Apps! To kick off my A, B, C's of Melbourne, I'm so chuffed to be showing you the genius that is the Aussie fondness of an app for just about anything. And the cool part is that they actually use them! Here are a few of my favourites:

The Aussie Insult Generator - Oh man. This is hysterical. Pity it isn't free because it comes up with such gems as "If your IQ was 2 points higher it would be the same as a bloody stone!" and "You're a goofy looking yobbo with a date like a gumnut!". Bear in mind that a date is an anus, and you get how good this app is! I'm sure it's also a favourite with people pretending to be locals and those cruising for a bruising.

The Aussie Slang Dictionary - Possibly a good one to have to decode the above. Also good if you're travelling into the country or meeting your husband's extended family. Here's a tip: Adam's Ale is water. Go figure.

Show the Loo - Yup, you guessed it! Just the app for those embarrassing times you're wandering the city and suddenly need to use the facilities. This app uses your location to show you all the nearest public bathrooms. Relief!!

Drink Tracker - This app helps you calculate your blood alcohol content by letting you input the drinks you've had over the course of a jol. Now this is something that needs to be used in SA! There's even a tab (called Outta Here) to tell you where you are, in case you don't know.... genius!

Where the Truck - Food trucks are big here in Melbs, and this app uses your location to show you where all the nearest food trucks are parked, as well as where they are in the city at any given time, if you're hankering for Greek street food and are willing to hunt them down. Word on the street is, there is an ice-cream sandwich food truck that yup, only makes gourmet ice-cream sandwiches. Haven't found it on the app yet, but I'll let you know when I do!

Tramtracker - This little app is so damn useful, I think every Melbournian has it on their phone. Walking to the tram and want to know when it's due? Check in on Tramtracker and see if it is about to pull up while you're still rounding the corner, so you can dash there if you need to. This was the first app I downloaded when I got here and it is amazeballs.

Snap Send Solve - Not one I've downloaded myself but basically, it's dobbing made easy! Ah, these Aussies! Now they can report crimes, loitering or someone being a nuisance without actually having to open their mouths. Hell, they could be lying in bed and tell the authorities that your party is too loud. This app is the kind of thing my pesky ex-neighbour has dreams about. Maybe this is why they call it the Lucky Country?

Every bank, radio station and tourist attraction has it's own app. You can monitor planes at the airport, find your way around the zoo, get coupons and discounts from shops that usually are printed on till slips and find the best coffee, all on apps available here. How cool is that?

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