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6 weeks today!

I'm taking a break from my a, b, c's of Melbourne to mark this special occasion. Amazing. 42 days. In some ways it feels like longer, in others, like it has hardly been a few weeks.

I'm feeling settled in certain ways though. Catching public transport has become easier and less exciting. I'm now sussed enough to carry my ipod with me and casually day-dream for most of the trip before getting that feeling that I'm almost there, reminding me to pay attention to the scenery outside of the tram again so that I don't miss my stop. This makes a change, as not long ago I was staring intently at every passing landmark to make sure I knew exactly where I was and how much further I had to go before getting off. How easily a person can take something so awesome for granted!

I've also started to get used to the money and what things cost. I now have a much better idea of what is expensive or cheap for things, and have become much better at hunting for bargains and looking for sales. The Aussie's really know how to discount, not in the silly South African way of 10% or 15% off. Nope. Here things are regularly half price. Isn't that crazy? Lindt today, for example, had half price on ALL their bunnies... Woot! But it doesn't mean I've gotten used to the prices themselves. I still catch myself converting, and gasping in disbelief when I see a bottle of cheap Zonnebloem red wine (yes, it's available here) for the princely sum of R100. And that, by Aussie standards, is a very cheap bottle of wine. Sheesh. Or the very average bowl of pasta I had the other night which cost me R150. Ouch. A beer at a pub is around R90 and a cheap glass of wine would be around R120. For ONE! But then again I went shopping for veggies from the Queen Victoria Market, basket trolley in tow (all the cool kids are doing it these days! It's so hipster!) and bought a full basket of veggies and a tray of eggs for $17, which is a total bargain (apparently).

Yesterday I had an Easter lunch with some Improv friends and it was the first time that I really felt at home with other people (besides hubby). I'm still amazed by how welcoming and wonderful the improv community has been to me since I've been here, but yesterday felt like a turning point, like I wasn't just being welcomed, but rather like I was home. It was lovely, and very special.

Something that I still can't get used to, and I imagine it will happen more the longer I am here, is the sound of my own voice and accent. Hearing Aussie accents around me all the time, I'm often surprised and shocked by my own voice when it comes out, because I expect to hear something similar to what I've been hearing from everyone else, and then I can actually hear how weird I sound in comparison. So flat. It's so funny to suddenly hear what you must sound like to other people. I suppose it won't be long before I have that upward lilt at the end of my sentences!

I do love how much walking I've been doing. Not having a car, on a day with a few things to do I can easily walk 5kms to and from trams and around the city to do bits and pieces. It's starting to turn wintery in Melbourne, and we're needing to bundle up when we go out so that may mean we don't walk as much. But I hope we do. It's a great way to exercise after all the eating I've been doing! Today we lunched at 400 Gradi, the home of the best Margherita pizza in the world, and it was delicious!

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